Libra – Mercury in Virgo Horoscope
Mercury in Virgo’s extreme attention to detail illuminates the more subconscious, interior parts of yourself with sharp focus. Here, the messenger planet isn’t scared of a few cobwebs and leaves no stone unturned.
Now is a powerful time to encourage radical honesty with yourself about what’s been feeling good in your life, and what’s been more challenging. Free writing, sharing with others, or taking time for yourself can all support this kind of excavation.
With all of this self-exploration, alone time is crucial. Naps, unscheduled hours, time spent outside, or anything else that gives you regenerative rest is all the elixir you need.
Make a list of affirmations for courage and then tape them on your wall, carry them with you in your pocket, or speak them out loud. You are more brave than you give yourself credit for.