Pisces – 2022 August Montly Love Horoscope
Lovestruck Venus is partnered with kindred water sign Cancer early this month, so there’s comfortable energy surrounding the trine between the goddess of love and your home planet Neptune in your dreamy sign on August 7. It’s easy to get lost in thought during this peaceful aspect, but there’s nothing wrong with daydreaming the hours away (especially if your love life isn’t all that great IRL).
On the eleventh, a Mars-Neptune sextile creates a less forceful and more sensual environment in which your love life thrives. As the spiritual world meets the physical one, single Pisces can use your strong sense of intuition to find your soul mate. If you’re already with someone, profound spiritual experiences can bring you closer together—and yes, sex counts!
If you’ve been growing tired of all the drama in your love life lately, your frustrations will all come to a head during the Mercury-Neptune opposition on August 21. It’s not that you’ve been completely ignoring the truth, but hearing confirmation of your suspicions about a current partner or crush can really push you over the edge now. You’re honestly ready to just forget the whole thing and move on.
Use the renewing energy of the new moon as it joins the sun in health-conscious Virgo on the twenty-seventh to take better care of yourself, Pisces, and do just that. This lunar energy is perfect for getting into a healthy routine and leaving behind unhealthy habits, including relationships that drain you of your specialness.