Leo – 2022 August Montly Love Horoscope
Your warm, engaging personality is irresistible as the sun, your hot planetary guide is traveling through your charismatic sign early this month. No matter what your status, it only gets better during this dramatic, passionate cosmic matchup!
Romantic Venus joins the party in your attention-seeking sign on August 11, prompting you to make bold gestures when you’re in love. There’s nothing quiet about your desires now either, but rejection can be a real blow to your ego. You’re not afraid to make the first move, but you prefer to be pursued.
On the fourteenth, the sun opposes ambitious Saturn, putting obstacles in your way and making you doubt your efforts. If you’re trying this hard and nothing’s happening, should you just give up? Try not to take the Universe’s roadblocks too personally today, Leo. You have what it takes to overcome them if you believe you do.
You might not be feeling very appreciated by a current or potential lover during the Venus-Saturn opposition on August 28, which makes you retreat and hesitate to share your true feelings. Your frustration comes out in other ways, though, which will make it pretty clear that you aren’t happy with the lack of attention they’re showing you. Now it’s their problem, not yours.