Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

You may feel as though you’re being pulled in multiple directions this morning, dear Aries, as the Leo moon forms both supportive and harsh connections in the sky. This cosmic tug of war could play games with your identity, potentially causing your confidence to falter. Give yourself permission to move slowly right now without holding yourself back from new opportunities. Though feeling stuck on your path or uncertain about the future could be a theme for you right now, focusing on the present can help get you through any wonky vibes that find you.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Your emotions could be all over the map today, sweet Bull, as the Leo moon continues its journey through your solar fourth house, forming a series of harsh aspects in the sky. Don’t feel guilty if you decide it’s time for a mental health day, but try not to give in to feelings of hopelessness or gloom and engage with people or hobbies that feed your soul. Wallowing in the past could also stir up anxieties, though healthy nostalgia will help you find comfort through the things that soothed your soul as a child, like your grandmother’s cookie recipe.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Drama or personal issues could distract you today, dear Gemini, as the Leo moon forms a series of difficult connections in the sky. Unfortunately, this cosmic climate could also lead to irritability and impatience on your end, but try not to take it out on the people around you. A harsh opposition between Luna and Saturn later tonight could have you wondering if the universe has your back at all. However, a meditation session can help you feel connected to the other side once more while opening you up to enlightenment and guidance from beyond the veil.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Keep a close eye on your spending today, dear Bull, as the Leo moon sails into some choppy cosmic waters. Avoid indulging in retail therapy right now, especially if you’re using shopping to distract you from some serious issues that need handling. Loaning cash to a friend should also be avoided, as you may not receive your money back as quickly as you’d like, which could create tension within the dynamic. Do your best to survive these wonky vibes by embracing nature and looking for ways to pamper and indulge your senses without blowing your budget in the process.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Your spirituality will carry you through the day today, dear Leo, as the moon continues its journey through your sign, forming a sweet connection to the healing asteroid, Chiron, before hitting some turbulence in the sky. You may feel like you keep hitting dead-ends within your personal and professional life or that things haven’t been heading in your direction lately. Do your best to keep your head up, and try not to have an emotional response to small problems, even if they continue to pile up. Deep breathing can help you gain clarity, and you may also find crystals or meaningful jewelry to be quite supportive.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

It’s okay if you need to hide in the shadows today, dear Virgo, as the moon continues its journey through Leo and the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Information from the past could come back to haunt you as Luna enters a harsh t-square with the nodes of fate, making it difficult for you to see the path forward. Give yourself permission to unplug and focus on your mental and physical health as the day comes to a close, as Saturn encourages you to slow down and check in with your mind, body, and soul.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Watch out for tension within your friendship circle and social media pages today, dear Libra, as the Leo moon hits some rough terrain in the skies. It’s possible that the people around you in both the material and digital realms could become particularly triggering, though engaging with these troublemakers will cause you more grief than they’re worth, and major power struggles could ensue. Do yourself a favor and put up a temporary wall to guard against anyone who isn’t a true and supportive friend, and don’t be afraid to shut off your phone this evening when Luna faces off with Saturn.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

Do yourself a favor and write out a to-do list this morning, little Scorpion, as the Leo moon blows a kiss to the healing asteroid, Chiron. These supportive vibes will offer you a lifeline on what’s poised to be a chaotic and tense day, though you’ll need a strategy to stay on track. Issues within your professional connections may be particularly disruptive to your sense of peace, making it important that you find ways to stay focused on your own projects and path. Emotional burnout could come into play later tonight when the moon opposes Saturn, so don’t feel guilty if you need to hole up and shut down for a bit.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

The world may seem particularly tense or wound up today, dear Archer, as the Leo moon forms a series of harsh aspects in the sky. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to rise above it all if you maintain an optimistic disposition, choosing to see the good surrounding you. Tapping into your compassion can help you maintain emotional balance while others are dealing with stress. Your kind disposition can help dig your friends or colleagues out of any funk they may have fallen into. Just remember to cut some time out for yourself, and don’t feel responsible for putting out fires that don’t belong to you.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

You’ll be in an intense and no-nonsense mood today, dear Capricorn, as the Leo moon forms a series of harsh aspects in the sky. Unfortunately, this cosmic climate could put you on edge, potentially causing you to feel disrespected when there may have only been a misunderstanding. Try not to feel as though everyone is out to test you, tapping into your patience while finding ways to maintain a diplomatic disposition. Though you definitely will deserve a reward by the end of the day, avoid indulging in retail therapy, as you could easily go over your budget without realizing it.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

You may have a hard time maintaining balance today, sweet Aquarius, as the Leo moon enters a series of difficult aspects in the sky. This cosmic climate could also create issues within your love life, so try not to take the bait if bae gets a little snippy with you, but remember not to be a doormat either. Unfortunately, emotional shifts could find you at the drop of a hat, thanks to a harsh connection between Mercury and Uranus. Do yourself a favor and step back from everyone if you need a break, focusing on self-love and peace.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – July 29, 2022

You may feel as though you’re having a hard time keeping it all together today, dear Fish, as the Leo moon encounters a bit of turbulence in the sky. Missing objects, forgotten items, and miscommunications could all come into play right now, and you should do your best to spell check and proofread any emails before sending them out. Though you’ll likely be on the go and possibly a bit frantic, try to make healthy choices and avoid consuming caffeine too late in the afternoon, or you could spend your evening tossing and turning as the moon opposes Saturn.