Daily Tarotscopes – May 22, 2022

Daily Tarotscopes – May 22, 2022

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, May 22, 2022, by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Magician

You are smart and resourceful, Aries. And today has its share of problems, but this won’t rattle you a tiny bit because you enjoy the challenge.

There are so many options right now. You keep trying and eventually you solve the problem without much effort.


Tarot card: The Tower

Problems come up every day, and sometimes they are sudden. The unexpected sharpens you.

You learn to react and to be better than you once were. You see the world in a dynamic way and become a person who can roll with the tide and not be rigid in your thinking.


Tarot card: The Hierophant

You may find it hard to let go of old ways of thinking because doing things in a new way is fun, but it can also be scary. A part of you may always miss what you once had.

But the more you walk into your future, the greater your chances are of you feeling comfortable with a new life and also with your changing mindset.


Tarot card: The Lovers

There’s always going to be better out there — for you and your significant other. But true love is deciding to choose one another again, and again. You learn to appreciate who you are with because of your companionship, support, and memories. This is what makes your love last and so precious.


Tarot card: The Devil

Everyone gets tempted at times. You are human, and you can’t always be perfect even if you try to be.

You have little things that undermine your growth, but even when this happens you learn each time. You discover where your weaknesses are. This helps you to evolve.


Tarot card: The Star

The universe moves in a way that you feel like you’re part of something greater. You are in tune with the energy of the collective and it shows in your actions. You gather wisdom and use it. You learn from your mistakes. You’re a light, Virgo, and you bring so much hope into the world because you’re in it.


Tarot card: Strength

When it comes to pushing through past your own discomfort, few work as hard as you do. You are the image of perfection today with how much you accomplish. You cross all your t’s and you put the dots on the i’s. Today, is going to be your day because you have decided to make it so.


Tarot card: The Fool

You are aware that there are things you may miss because you cannot be everywhere at the same time.

You have to hustle and move forward. But when you hear a warning or see red flags, don’t fly past them. Stop and pay attention to prevent you from losing precious time.


Tarot card: The World

When you want something badly enough, you’ll work for it. You have a desire to build and grow. So, you are doing all you can to get things in order. You take breaks when they make sense, but you also keep going until the job is done. You’re not going to let anything fall in the cracks because you’re doing your due dilengence.


Tarot card: Justice

You try to treat people equally, and sometimes even you may fall short. Today, you’ll make good on a promise because you notice your fault. There’s a high level of integrity in your spirit, and you express it in a way that shows respect for others and also for yourself.


Tarot card: The Emperor

Peace is preferred to war, but sometimes people need to argue to get to the bottom of a matter. You might not enjoy the entire process of digging into a problem with someone.

But working through problems can help you reach the end of a conflict and get back to loving each other in the way you desire to do.


Tarot card: Judgement

Don’t second-guess yourself, Pisces. There are things that you understand inherently that others may not.

So, if you have to make a decision that you hear is unfair, perhaps it is in their eyes, but you know differently. Trust in yourself.