Capricorn – April 2022 Monthly Love Horoscope
You’re in full control as the sun travels through demanding Aries early this month, but you can also be quite intimidating and a bit of a bully. Unfortunately, you aren’t as worried about hurting someone’s feelings as you are about not getting what you want during this selfish transit.
A conjunction between intense Mars and your determined leader Saturn in daredevil Aquarius on April 4 could drive you to do something romantically risky. Just how determined are you to do this, Capricorn? Because some of the actions taken during this driven aspect might not be easy to explain or take back.
The universe produces a determined sun-Saturn sextile on the twelfth, putting your strong work ethic in the spotlight. Which is great unless it’s interfering with your love life (which, let’s face it, it probably is). Canceling or postponing dates might be inevitable if your career is to thrive now, but is it worth the negative romantic consequences?
The sun finally leaves self-centered Aries on April 19 and starts soaking up the unselfish earthy energy of Taurus. The universe knows you work hard, but this solar transit reminds you to enjoy yourself too. Schedule a couples massage for you and your partner or a date this coming month, and go ahead and buy that expensive but intoxicating perfume or cologne you’ve been coveting. You’re worth it!