Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Aries Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Before the moon concludes its journey through mystifying Scorpio and your eighth house of sex, mergers, shared resources, and soulmate connections, Luna will make a sextile to powerhouse Pluto via your bossy tenth house of authority and reputation in the world. Aries, how are your connections playing a role in your professional life or public persona? Single or already romantically attached, today’s harsh square between your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, and rebellious Uranus could easily validate the sudden urge to break free from a partnership that isn’t serving you or a long-term vision that’s no longer resonating with you.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Taking the leap for love, Taurus? Before the moon concludes its journey through Scorpio and your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, the moon will join forces with transformative Pluto in Capricorn via your exotic ninth house of adventure, belief systems, and unknown territory. If you’re not looking at a lover with a different pair of lenses, chances are you’re taking a closer look at your future plans and worldly vistas. Are you both on the same path? In the midst of contemplating your next steps, Mars will face off with Uranus in your sign, which could potentially trigger the urge to rebel.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Is there mutual reciprocity in your relationship, Gemini? Even if you’re just crushing, today’s astro-weather is urging you to reflect on the work you’re putting into your partnership. Is there an equal amount of give-and-take? Before the moon wraps up in Scorpio and your detail-oriented sixth house, it will meet with Pluto in Capricorn via your eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and collaborations, creating harmony between the foundation of your connection and your efforts. How are you and your special someone meeting each other half-way? Everything is a work in progress, and your relationship is no exception.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Your heart wants what it wants, Cancer. This is especially true when considering the moon’s passion-filled journey through Scorpio and your romantic fifth house of love, pleasure, and self-expression. The moon’s seductive sextile to Pluto in Capricorn — via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — adds a layer of smoldering intensity to everything from your love language to your carnal instincts. Is it time to follow your inner wisdom? Audacious Mars will be at odds with rebellious Uranus while sizzling through your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and soulmate connections. To break free or fall in line, that is the question.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Prioritize self-care and rituals of self-love, Leo. Single or already romantically attached, this is especially true when considering the moon’s journey through mystifying Scorpio and your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings. You are moodier than usual, too, so don’t hesitate to retreat if needed. After all, Mars will simultaneously face off freedom-loving Uranus via your tenth house of authority, which is where things also get tricky. Maybe it’s work-related or concerning a prominent authority figures in your significant other’s life. Either way, you’re more likely to quarrel with your person today, so take it easy.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Ask questions and do your research, Virgo. Following your intuition is highly suggested at this time, especially with the moon in Scorpio activating your curious third house of communication, thought processes, and immediate surroundings. Keep in mind that the moon also governs your eleventh house of associations and community affairs, which is encouraging you to speak up and lean on your peers for support, even if it’s regarding love and romance. Moreover, the moon will make a harmonious sextile to powerhouse Pluto, simultaneously challenging you to own up to your unique authenticity and heart’s desires. You can’t unsee what you know to be true.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Libra, prioritizing your emotional stability and general needs goes a long way, and you’re starting to see this firsthand. Single? Making the conscious decision to own up to your self-worth is playing a significant role in your personal life, but there’s a catch. Go-getter Mars — celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — will be making a tumultuous square to rebel Uranus in Taurus via your intimate eighth house of sex, shared resources, and soulmate connections, creating friction between submitting to your heart’s desires vs. staying true to your prior commitments. Choosing yourself is always a good idea.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Before the moon wraps up in your sign, it will meet with your modern ruler, Pluto, via your curious third house of communication, thought processes, and immediate surroundings, giving you no choice but to speak your truth regardless of whether your significant other is on board. Scorpio, where have you been neglecting your strength for the sake of another? Maybe you’ve been giving someone the benefit of the doubt when they simply don’t deserve it. A square between your traditional ruler, Mars, and rebel Uranus creates friction between your desire for individual freedom and the changes you’re experiencing in your current relationship.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Single or already romantically attached, today’s astro-weather is urging you to take a step back and reflect on your personal needs, especially those of you sacrificing for the sake of another, Sagittarius. For instance, before the moon wraps up in transformative Scorpio and your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, and all things behind the scenes, it will meet with transformative Pluto via your stability-seeking second house of value systems. Again, take this time to revisit the sensual pleasures or needs you’ve been pushing aside. Is it all worth it?

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Despite the validity of your romantic feelings for someone, you have a lot to think about right now, Capricorn. After all, the moon governs your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, but it will be transiting through Scorpio via your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world at this time. Meaning: you can’t help but want to indulge in the opportunities that are being presented to you at this time. And with Mars also squaring Uranus, you could be feeling the urge to break away or start again somehow.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Think before you say something you end up regretting later on, Aquarius. This is especially true when considering today’s square tumultuous between audacious Mars in your sign and disruptive Uranus in your fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings. Single or already romantically attached, you’re more prone to emotional outbursts and volatile temperaments at this time, so try to find an outlet to express some of those repressed feelings. Maybe it’s at work or with a prominent parent. The chaos is bound to blend with your personal life either way. Stay in your high vibe and be gentle with yourself.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope – March 22, 2022

Is there something you need to get off your chest, Pisces? As the moon concludes its journey through Scorpio and your expansive ninth house of unknown territory, Mars will go head-to-head with rebellious Uranus, creating friction between your unconscious patterns and primitive mind. What are the facts, and what is simply stemming from your imagination? Though you have no trouble swimming through both the spiritual and physical realms, you’re also gaining insight on the people, places, and things that are no longer resonating with your higher self. Do you dare to venture elsewhere or perhaps look at your relationship with a different pair of lenses?