Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
You may wake up feeling a bit weighed down or out of sorts, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Mercury, potentially clouding your focus. You may have trouble connecting with the people around you, as the universe pushes you to an internal headspace, helping you sort through deep emotions. Luckily, you’ll feel at peace while in solitude as the afternoon rolls in, and Luna aspects auspicious Jupiter. You’ll become more social once evening manifests and the moon connects with Saturn, helping you draw boundaries with your psyche, so you can focus on the people you love.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
You may feel torn between your responsibilities and the desire to have fun this morning, dear Taurus, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Mercury. While you likely have a few errands to tend to, you may want to invite your bestie along for such tasks to help you marry these worlds. However, it’ll be important that you take some time out this weekend for self-care as well, or you could end up running yourself into the ground, as Venus, your ruling planet, squares off with unpredictable Uranus. Fight personal chaos by giving yourself plenty of TLC, especially this evening when Luna connects with Saturn.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Dissatisfaction within your career path may plague you this morning, dear Gemini, as the Libra moon enters an unbalanced aspect with Mercury. These vibes could leave you racking your brain on what you don’t like about your job when you should be searching for ways to change your circumstances. Look for ways to fight your situation through self-improvement that could lead to an eventual promotion or by applying for positions at other companies. Luckily, a helpful connection between Luna and Saturn will help you take these ambitions seriously, allowing you to lay the groundwork for any plans you hope to execute in the near future.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
If you haven’t been taking proper care of yourself, your intuition could take a hit, as the Libra moon forms unbalanced connections to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune throughout the day. Use this cosmic climate as an excuse to reconnect with your spirituality, embrace time out in nature, or have an extended meditation session. Embracing the softer side of the universe can help you receive any tension that gathered over the workweek, helping you reconnect with your third eye. Just be sure to cut out some extra time for romance or self-care this evening when Luna blows a kiss to stabilizing Saturn.
Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Your words may come across more intensely than you realize today, sweet Lion, as the Libra moon forms unbalanced connections to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune throughout the day. You may find that your friends and family offend more easily than usual, making it important that you be careful with your words. If you do happen to run someone the wrong way, be sure to apologize while taking accountability for your actions rather than trying to defend your disposition. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to make amends this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn and your seventh house.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
You may find yourself in the mood to embrace the finer things in life today, dear Virgo, as the Libra sun shines a light in your second house. Unfortunately, it may be easy to go overboard with your spending, thanks to a series of unbalanced connections between Luna, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. These vibes could also create a strange dynamic in your love life, causing you to feel out of sync with your beloved. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to stabilize this evening when the moon connects with Saturn, pushing you to cling to your typical routines and helping you re-establish a sense of normalcy.
Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
While your to-do list for the weekend is likely pretty substantial, you may find that you’re having a hard time getting anything done, no matter how devoted you are to your to-do list. Unfortunately, you may also find that small mistakes are preventing you from making progress, as the moon travels through your sign while forming unbalanced aspects to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune throughout the day. If you’re truly struggling to handle your personal business, you may want to put it off until tomorrow in favor of some fun. This temptation will feel especially pronounced this evening when the moon blows a kiss to Saturn, activating your fifth house.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Today will put you in a reflective headspace, dear Scorpio, as the Libra moon shines a light in the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Unfortunately, you may find it difficult to connect with your friends or the activities you typically enjoy, thanks to a series of unbalanced aspects between Luna, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. Rather than trying to fake a good time, give yourself permission to zone out for the day, especially if you’re overdue for a good rest. Luckily, you’ll feel more alert this evening when the moon blows a kiss to structured Saturn, though you may need to ground before reaping the benefits of this cosmic connection.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
You may feel as if the vibe is a little off at your home today, dear Sagittarius, as the Libra moon enters a series of unbalanced connections to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. These vibes could be accentuated by any housemates you share the space with, especially if their mood seems a bit off. Rather than trying to hold things together at home, you may be tempted to escape into a day of fun with your family and friends. However, you’ll want to touch base with your to-do list this evening when the moon sends some love to responsible Saturn, reminding you of your responsibilities.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Issues from the workweek could continue to plague your psyche into the weekend, dear Capricorn, thanks to a series of unbalanced aspects between the Libra moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. Unfortunately, you may also find that you’re stuck handling professional business when it should be your day off, which in turn could throw you off your personal balance. Luckily, you should have an opportunity to reconnect with your zen this afternoon when the moon shares a supportive connection to Saturn, helping you set professional boundaries. This is also a good time to treat yourself to a bit of luxury and reward yourself for all of the hard work you do.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
You’ll be in a generous mood today, dear Water-Bearer, as the Libra moon shines a light in your ninth house. However, you’ll need to make sure you’re not letting these sentiments take over your better judgment, especially when it comes to treating your friends or family on a financial level. While the temptation to cover brunch or treat your bestie to an extravagant gift might be real, it would be easy for you to blow your budget without even realizing it. Luckily, your good sense can help bail you out of this oblivious state when the moon blows a kiss to serious Saturn in the evening.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – March 19, 2022
Watch out for manipulative behaviors within your love life, sweet Pisces, as the Libra moon forms a series of unbalanced connections to Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune throughout the day. While tension may certainly arise within your love life, it’ll be important that you approach such issues with a diplomatic and honest disposition. However, it’ll be equally as important that you keep your eyes peeled for red flags or gaslighting behaviors, especially if your partner is coming across as a little sketchy. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to set boundaries and draw lines this evening when the moon blows a kiss to serious Saturn.