Libra February 2022 Horoscope

Libra February 2022 Horoscope

Libra, the sun in your sector of creativity until February 18 makes this one of the best times to promote your talents. Whether you’re an artist, craftsperson, musician, or entrepreneur, don’t hide your light under a barrel. You’ll gain huge benefits from sharing your abilities, creations, and services.

There is also a positive focus on your home zone with red-hot Mars moving through this sector all month. You could make good money by starting a small home business. With key aspects boosting your chances of success and bringing lucky breaks, you can’t go wrong. Plus, getting organized could be important, and jettisoning whatever is just taking up space could give you more mental clarity and physical energy.

Chatty Mercury turns direct on the third, making it easier to get things done. If key plans have been put on hold, things should soon get moving again.

Are you ready to party? The full moon in Leo on February 16 is one to watch. If you’re going to an event, you’re likely to have a ball. And if you’re looking for romance, one encounter could sizzle with promise.

On that same day, a powerful Venus-Mars merger could see the spark of passion rekindled in a relationship. A new romance could also take off, especially if it has been slowly heating up.

A positive alignment between expansive Jupiter and trendsetter Uranus on the seventeenth could bring an opportunity your way that is too good to pass up.

As the sun glides into Pisces and your lifestyle zone on February 18, it’s time to take a look at how you spend your days and how efficient you are. If it seems like you’re in a constant muddle, use this time to get organized or develop better time-management skills.

The twenty-third and twenty-fourth could find you in an idealistic and creative mood, yet you’ll also be able to translate your brilliant ideas into practical action that gets results.