Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
Aries Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
There’s no easy way to say it. Today will be hard on your relationships, as the Libra moon encounters some rough waters in the sky. These vibes could make you feel torn between catering to your relationship or your own goals, thanks to an opposition between Luna and Chiron, which will cause tension on whichever side has become neglected. Trouble will continue to brew as the moon squares off with sweet Venus, whose retrograde motion could cause you to put up emotional walls without realizing it. Luckily, a helpful connection to Saturn this evening will give you the chance to restructure your relationship, though both parties will need to be on board.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
Even if the people around you could use some help right now, you’ll need to prioritize your own needs as the Libra moon faces off with the healing asteroid, Chiron. Ignoring what your mind, body, and soul need right now could leave you feeling depleted in the days ahead, so you may as well take some time out for self-care before you wear yourself thin. As the day comes to a close, the moon will form a helpful connection with responsible Saturn, inspiring you to get organized for the week ahead. Be sure to double-check your schedule and get some meal planning done so that you can take on the workweek by storm.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
Power struggles within your friendship circle could get real right now, thanks to a harsh t-square between the Libra moon, Venus, and Chiron. Try not to get caught up in any gossip that’s been circulating your community lately, or you could end up in the middle of things, forced to untangle the situation. You’ll also want to be on guard for manipulative behaviors, especially if someone asks you to choose sides. Luckily, a supportive connection between Luna and Saturn can help you set healthy boundaries this evening, leaving the people around you to sort out these toxic issues on their own.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
If you’re in a domestic partnership or your significant other has been staying over more than usual recently, it may be time to kick them out for a bit so that you can get some space. While there might not necessarily be any drama brewing in your connection, your individualistic side could be taking a hit if you haven’t spent much time by yourself lately. Use this solo time to focus on any passion projects that have fallen to the wayside, or treat yourself to some serious self-care. While the distance could be difficult to stomach at first, it will actually deepen your bond when the moon and Saturn share a sweet aspect this evening.
Leo Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
If you’ve been ignoring your self-care routines lately, your intuition will take a hit right now as the Libra moon faces off with the healing asteroid, Chiron. These vibes could impact your ability to read romantic situations, sweet Lion, as Venus weighs in with a squaring aspect. Rather than testing your luck out in the dating world, make a vow to reconnect with your mind, body, and soul with some good ol’ fashioned TLC. Treat yourself to a nice massage or at-home facial, and you’ll soon be back in alignment with the subtle energies that circulate the world around you.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
While you’re typically one of the first to offer up help when your friends need it, you should avoid supplying financial support to your loved ones right now as the Libra moon forms a harsh t-square with Venus and the healing asteroid, Chiron. Try to keep in mind that energy is a currency and avoid doing any favors for people who wouldn’t return the gesture. If you’re having a hard time saying “no” to certain requests, promise to give an answer later in the evening, when a connection between the moon and Saturn will make it easier for you to decline.
Libra Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
If you’ve been working overtime to nurture your partner recently, you could get fed up today as the Libra moon enters a harsh t-square with Venus and the healing asteroid, Chiron. Things will get especially tense if you feel as though your partner isn’t valuing you or returning the favor, as imbalances within your dynamic are revealed. Rather than having a heated discussion that might turn into a full-blown fight, try to host a calm and diplomatic discussion this evening when Luna shares a supportive connection with Saturn. These vibes can help you reasonably articulate your expectations, making it easier for your partner to digest the information.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, it will catch up to you today when the Libra moon enters a harsh t-square in the sky. These vibes will hit you on a physical, emotional, and mental level, resulting in a trifecta of stress-induced fatigue. While we all know you’re strong and resilient, little Scorpion, it’s okay to admit when you need a break every now and then. Don’t feel ashamed to ask for help if you need it, and vow to spend the day relaxing and releasing any tension that has built up over the last few days.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
Don’t feel like you have to keep up with your friends energetically, financially, or professionally, darling Sagittarius. With the Libra moon hitting all sorts of cosmic turbulence today, the pressure to compete with your nearest and dearest could get real. However, you may want to ask yourself if this competition is real or only in your head. It’s likely that your friends aren’t measuring their lives against your own, so there’s no reason why you should. An unbalanced aspect between Mars and the north node could create issues if you strive to be someone you’re not, so try to dedicate this day to appreciating and loving yourself for where you are in the moment.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
Try not to stress over the workweek before it even begins, as the Libra moon travels through the sector of your chart that governs your career while encountering a series of harsh aspects in the sky. If you find that you’re dreading the prospect of heading to work at the end of each week, it may be time to get serious about finding a position elsewhere. Luckily, a helpful connection between Luna and Saturn, your ruling planet, will manifest this evening, helping you to recognize your worth. Use the momentum of this energy to pursue the professional path of your dreams, even if it’s with the tiniest of steps.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
It’s okay if you’re uncertain about your feelings right now, dear Aquarius, as the Libra moon dusts up all kinds of confusion in the sky. Don’t feel pressured to socialize under this cosmic climate, especially if you’re feeling a bit under the weather emotionally. Luckily, these vibes will break up later in the evening, and a helpful connection between Luna and Saturn can help you see things more clearly. A meditation session or spiritual ritual will allow you to receive guidance from beyond the veil, which, in turn, will leave you feeling comforted and supported within your personal and spiritual path.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Sunday – January 23, 2022
If you’ve felt undervalued and unappreciated within your close relationships, drama could manifest this morning as the Libra moon forms a harsh t-square with Venus and the healing asteroid, Chiron. Don’t be afraid to articulate these frustrations within your intimate relationships, but make sure you’re broaching the subject with a calm and diplomatic approach. If your loved ones start to get defensive around the topic, it may be time for you to step back until the tension has a chance to settle. Luckily, the vibe will shift this evening when the moon forms a supportive connection to stabilizing Saturn, helping you soothe out any rifts in your relationships.