Aries 2022 January Monthly Love Horoscope

Aries 2022 January Monthly Love Horoscope

It’s a new year and a new month, Aries, and you’re surrounded by the exhilarating combination of your ruler Mars in fiery Sagittarius to start things off with a bang! Everything moves pretty quickly with this transit, so there’s no time to think. When you’re running on adrenaline and reactions, your love life is really exciting!

Jan. 11 highlights a suspicious Mars-Neptune square that brings a lot of questions to mind. Whether you’ve been in a long-term partnership or are just getting to know someone, you have a lot of doubts about their true intentions now. Your dreams are revealing.

The sun leaves behind the excitement of Sagittarius as it moves into quirky Aquarius on the nineteenth, and, for the next month, you’ll be seeking more freedom than you have in a while. You like to be alone with your offbeat thoughts now, and the object of your affections (if you’re involved with someone) will have to try to understand your need for space.

The partnership between Mars and fiery Sagittarius ends when the red planet moves into earth sign Capricorn on Jan. 24, at which point you might physically feel the shift in energy. It’s not that you don’t still have the same sexual urges you had in the last month, but you’re able to focus on less pleasurable, more responsible things now.