Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
Aries Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
You love to try anything new and different, especially if it involves learning. The energy of the day may mean that during one of your lessons you encounter someone who instantly appeals to your ability to conquer all and sundry. But even if the occasion does not turn out to be particularly romantic, it will have educational value. You will learn something you truly never knew before.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
Today could bring you back to life after a relatively secluded and celibate period. What happens may be sudden, and most definitely unexpected, but like electric shock therapy, it will do the trick. This person could be drop-dead gorgeous, or have a scintillating personality, and they will think you are the most wonderful being in the world. Get out and have whatever type of fun is possible!
Although you are used to surprises, you may be stunned by the events that occur today – especially if you have been searching for that fabulous person recently. You could well be a victim of love at first sight. And if they are into saving whales and a member of a repressed minority, you will be like putty in their hands.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
The energy of the day may make you extremely aware of how fortunate you are. You have a wonderful, caring, nurturing partner who only wants the best for you. And perhaps that’s just the problem. You can have too much of a good thing. So, out of the blue comes someone else, who only wants to very wicked and naughty. The choice is yours – and yes you are definitely lucky!
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
People will do the strangest things for love. This will be especially evident today. If someone has been chasing you, and will not take no for answer, prepare for some very weird tactics. If they dress like an alien and demand biology lessons in order to help the repopulation of their planet, just don’t be taken in.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
Things are weird today, particularly your nearest and dearest, whom you are sure comes from another planet. It has nothing to do with looks, just something you can’t put your finger on – or perhaps you can. Whilst massaging their back, feel around for a possible space that indicates they run on rechargeable batteries. Then you’ll know for sure: you’ve been dating an android.
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
You will feel like entertaining your loved one today. You may also feel like trying out some new ideas, like practicing your mutual telepathic ability. Ask your sweetie to guess whether you love them or not. Perhaps this doesn’t need much guessing, as it is probably self-evident, but the winner gets to give the other a really exciting surprise. So, who goes first?
The energy of the day may bring a touch of chaos to your love life. Something is amiss, although it may not be obvious what it is. If you and your loved one are going through a period of estrangement, then the solution may not immediately appear. However, you can make progress if you take the broader perspective. Don’t get stuck in a narrow frame of mind.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
You may have a strange tingly feeling up your spine when you consider the alternatives on offer today. The energy of the day may mean that you suddenly find yourself the center of attention. As this is your natural place, anyway, it may not be a surprise. But what is surprising is the number of potential partners who are willing to totally adore you. How sickeningly purrrfect!
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
The energy of the day may spring a few surprises – not the least being that an old lover still has a very soft spot for you in their heart. If you are currently challenged in the romance department, you may want to think long and hard about this one, as a lot of water has passed under the bridge, and you are now both older and wiser. But hey, why not give it a go?
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
There is a lot of electricity between you and your current partner (no pun intended). But the energy of the day may cause a fuse to blow, because you have deeper feelings for someone else. If you have been waiting for that very special person who hasn’t been available till recently, you may not have to wait any longer. The green light is on and means go!
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – September 23, 2021
The energy of the day may put you in a tricky situation. You usually enjoy psychologically analyzing your potential lovers before you get your hands on them, just so you know which strings to pull if you need a favor, which will probably be often. Today you don’t get that chance, as love comes out of the blue. You are awestruck and led like a lamb to the slaughter.