Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021

Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
The present planetary alignment encourages social activity in the wider and broader sense, and helps you become involved in new activities with people who are very different from those you are usually involved with. Whether you are in a permanent partnership or not, this will do you a world of good, as it will introduce you to fresh ideas that could change quite a few things.

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
Love and romance are more abstract matters right now, rather than being the physical and sensual experience you usually enjoy. Today’s present planetary alignment indicates that you will be engaged in discussing, or at least trying to understand the finer points of the relationship game. This will help you appreciate the more subtle aspects that have a powerful effect on your interactions with another.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
Today’s astral configuration make this quite a delightful time. You will come into contact with new ideas that relate not only to fashion, image, and appearance, but also to ways of looking at life and relationships. These will really give you some powerful insights, and genuinely arouse your curiosity. You may also be tempted to go for a different kind of love interest. The emphasis is on the new!

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
You tend to feel safe and secure when dealing with familiar people whom you can ply with love, comfort, and nourishment. Today’s astral configuration brings you a somewhat different experience. You may feel as though someone you meet seems very engaging, yet lacks emotional content. Don’t despair; just start by trying to understand their mind, and soon you will have their heart.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
The current cosmic climate is perfect for attending any social engagements or holding an impromptu party. It is also an opportunity to move in circles with people who hold very different ideas from your own. This may encourage you to become involved with someone who is not your usual type – who is unique, very much their own person, and very original in outlook. It will benefit you greatly.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
You have a brilliant opportunity today to create a change in the way you relate to someone. The present planetary alignment indicates that if you have been friends, you could discover that you have deeper feelings that both of you have been shy about acknowledging. Although you may initially find it difficult to talk about this, you will ultimately be glad that you could be honest with each other.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
The present planetary alignment may bring someone who thinks they understand you panting to your door, hoping for some kind of sign. Although this has the basis of a very good friendship, they are currently fantasizing about you, and could be way off beam. So you will need to calm them down and let them gently into your heart – if you really wish to. Otherwise be very firm.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
Feelings are running high, with the present planetary alignment. However, although both you and your potential partner know the score, you don’t yet know each other sufficiently well to tell the truth about what seems to be developing between you. Use this opportunity to get to know each other better by going out and doing something fun. Everything will gradually begin to develop from this point on.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
The position of the heavenly bodies encourages you to get out and do something in a sporting or adventurous setting, as it is under these conditions that you may run into someone really quite remarkable. You certainly won’t meet them by staying at home. Another possible meeting ground could be at a gathering or event associated with philosophical or spiritual ideals. Be prepared to be stunned, awed, and amazed.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
A rosy glow spreads over you while dealing with financial matters, or when doing business with someone new. The position of the heavenly bodies means that your feelings could rise to fever pitch, although you will feel duty bound to keep your cool and maintain a professional outlook. You will certainly want to invent a reason to get in touch with this person again, and your instincts will be spot on.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
The present astral configuration sends you rushing to the hairdresser, out shopping to get some new clothes, and off to the gym to give yourself a healthy tone. Someone affects you so profoundly that you are willing to do those things you normally consider trivial, preferring instead to hone your powerful mind. This is an exception; you are on red alert.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Friday – April 23, 2021
Be prepared for powerful signals to come your way – so potent that you will not be able to ignore them. The alignment at play today means someone hones in on you like a moth to a flame, and to be quite honest, you are unlikely to want to turn them away. Although you would generally be drawn by a more subtle approach, you will find the chemistry between you irresistible.