Venus in Sagittarius Horoscopes – December 15, 2020


15 December 2020 at 08:21. Pacific Time, Venus passes from fixed and watery Scorpio to alternating and fiery Sagittarius.

Venus in Sagittarius Horoscopes – December 15, 2020

Now that Venus has risen from the depths of Scorpio and into the boundless, extroverted expression of Sagittarius, its modus operandi is much lighter and more prone to expansion. The zodiac is a metaphor for our life’s journey through our inner world and outer reality. The pendulum now swings towards the other end, as Venus has just finished a deep mission deep inside. The uplifting and confident Sagittarius, pointed by Archer, who directs his bow towards the center of our galaxy, inspires the goddess of love and beauty to move her consciousness beyond the ordinary. The freedom that comes with the alchemy of the soul, or the unconscious making conscious, is what feeds Venus’s transit through Sagittarius. With a new understanding of what is deep inside, true salvation is now possible.

During her stay in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, Venus values above all joy, excitement, and freedom. This transit reminds us that we have choices in love and that we don’t have to settle for less than on our vision boards. We are now more inclined to love that is like an adventure of a lifetime. Playing mind games and acting possessive or controlling can cause our lovers to run in the opposite direction, as Venus wants to feel as open, unfiltered, and unlimited as possible in Sagittarius.

Venus, the planet of love and money, will enter the fiery Sagittarius on December 15th. This time around, the fragile planet will not move normally as it will be affected by the elusive Neptune on December 30 and align with the South Node of Destiny on December 31. At the moment you may feel a little bit of a love affair, lost in your emotions, and unsure about the future of your relationships or finances. The karmic lesson here forces you to change the way you dedicate to others and understand how you spend your money. Then, you can move on to 2021 on a high romantic note.

Below is your Venus in Sagittarius. Be sure to also read your rising sign.
