Aquarius December 2020 Monthly Love Horoscope
MONTH OF DEC 2020: The pairing of talkative Mercury and outgoing Sagittarius for three weeks starting on December 1 has a positive effect on your love life. You don’t usually have a problem talking to people anyway, but this duo takes away most of your inhibitions and allows you to strike up spontaneous conversations with interesting people. If you’re in a relationship, now is the time to talk about something you’ve been hesitant to bring up.
Expansive Jupiter leaves restrictive Capricorn to link up with your pioneering sign on the nineteenth, allowing you to show who you truly are. Once you feel free to be yourself, you might find that you become a lot luckier in love. Funny how that works, right?!
A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in your sign on December 21 occurs on the same day that the sun moves into sensible Capricorn, pushing you forward on the path to romantic success. You have it all right now: luck, skill, and determination, plus the patience to see it all through to the end. Look out, world! You’re ready to meet your romantic destiny!
There’s a Cancer full moon on the twenty-ninth that puts a fitting end to the month and year. If you’re feeling sentimental, take the time to reminisce with a female in your life who has a lot of your same memories. This emotional walk down memory lane will be touching beyond belief and beneficial to your love life in a meaningful way.