Leo December 2020 Monthly Love Horoscope
MONTH OF DEC 2020: Mercury rules your thought processes, technology, communications, and so on, and when it partners with outgoing Sagittarius on December 1, the next three weeks could be explosive in the best possible way! When it comes to love, you can use this fiery duo’s energy to discover all kinds of exciting things. One thing’s for sure: when this aspect is over, nothing will be the same!
A square between your ruler sun in Sagittarius and hazy Neptune on the ninth slows things down just a bit and helps you think about all kinds of dreamy “what if” scenarios. Don’t worry about taking action now, Leo. This brief aspect encourages you to let your mind wander and is only stressful when you try to do too much.
The new moon and solar eclipse on December 14, also in the Archer’s fiery sign, give you a glimpse of things to come and remind you to stay positive. Even if things aren’t perfect now, they could be in the future. Love makes things possible. Don’t question its miraculous power!
The sun leaves Sagittarius for ambitious Capricorn on the twenty-first, encouraging you to end the month—and year—on a goal-focused note. Keep your eyes on the prize as you make a list of what you’d like to accomplish in your love life, Leo. This dedicated and responsible partnership can help you find a way to move past even the most challenging romantic obstacles.