Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020

Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
You will be able to feel deeply about a situation that you may previously have only been able to think about. If you have just begun a new relationship, then perhaps it is time to talk about some of the discoveries you have made about each other. It is better to get into the habit of deep sharing now, rather than waiting until it is too late!

Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Everyone seems to be sobbing on your shoulder today, imparting their deepest and most heartfelt secrets to you. Others are getting in touch with their feelings that may have remained buried for some time. So be patient, as this will deepen your sense of intimacy with them.

Gemini Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
You will be bursting to finally spill the beans concerning how you feel about someone very close to you. You always like to keep part of yourself back, and dislike exposing yourself completely to anyone. But today you may wish to take a chance and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Your sweetheart will know where they stand, and you will feel a lot better, as well.

Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
It is by talking things through that you finally get to the core of an issue that has been bugging you for some time. You will want to sit down with a loved one and get it out in the open. This will really help you both to explore the deeper feelings you both have for each other and enable you to renew your commitment.

Leo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
It is time to give your beloved some special attention. There is plenty to talk about, but it would help if you could both share from the depths of your hearts. This will encourage you to be honest and open with each other, and to be clear about anything that may have been causing a problem. It will facilitate better communication in the future.

Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Although you may find the today’s energy a little too emotional, it won’t hurt to talk over certain issues with your special friend. Conversation at the deepest levels is likely today, and it would a good idea to take advantage of this to clear the air concerning lingering problems; you will feel so much clearer and lighter if you can learn to share from the heart.

Libra Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
You may find yourself giving endless advice for a string of people who come to you for sympathy. You will feel the need to spend some time with a loved one, just being alone together and enjoying that sense of silent communion and the depth of feeling that you both share. Better still, create a wonderfully romantic dinner, and celebrate your wonderful relationship.

Scorpio Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
There is a great deal of feeling around in the ether today. It is also easier for you to express it. Indeed, there is a possibility of going over the top and saying too much, then regretting it in the cold light of day. Just go easy and don’t try and fit a year’s worth of passion into one evening.

Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Conversation between you and a loved one will flow today. Sometimes we may think we are talking; yet we have only spoken off the top of our heads rather than from the depths of hearts. Take time today to have that deeper conversation and encourage some real sharing. It will renew and strengthen the bond between you and encourage you both to fall in love again.

Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Conversation opens many doors today, but it needs to come from deeper place within, rather than just idle chatter that helps to pass the time. Expressing your feeling will give you the chance to share some truths with a loved one that you may have found difficult to talk about. It is a time of reconnection and reconciliation on all levels.

Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Everyone will be much more deeply in touch with their feelings today. So, don’t be surprised if your love interest suddenly comes out with a total declaration of devotion, after what may seem like months of waiting. It may seem like an all-or-nothing situation, but on the other hand, it is also better late than never.

Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
If you are looking for love, which is not often the case with your sign, you would do well to be able to listen to what others have to say. If attending a small social gathering is possible, rather than trying to impress others with your string of glittering achievements, allow others to do most of the talking.