Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020

Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Your mind could be going in many directions, Aries. Direct your energy toward small projects that require intellect. Your energy is likely to come in waves, so use it wisely when you have it, and feel free to take a break when you don’t. Tell your boss that you will be much more productive if you have a 20-minute break in the afternoon in order to recharge.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
People will listen to you much more than usual, Taurus. Sometimes when you say something, people hear you but minutes later forget what you said. Today is different. Your words will penetrate more deeply and end up being disseminated much more widely than ever before. Don’t be stingy with what you have to say. Give people your full opinion on the situation. Your impact will be significant.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
You’re apt to disagree sharply with information you receive, Gemini. Perhaps your attitude is a bit selfish, so you aren’t able to appreciate ideas that are more humanitarian in nature. Expand your way of thinking to include the people around you. You will find that the more you offer yourself to others, the more respected and happier you will be overall.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Climactic events are apt to occur in your life, Cancer. It’s time to condense and solidify your grand schemes and bright ideas in such a way that makes them more practical. Things may be spinning so quickly that you aren’t quite sure where to jump on. Worry about that later. For now, what you need to do is express your ideas forcefully and succinctly. Doors will open as a result.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
It’s time to take your communication to the next level, Leo. Expand outward and upward. For the last three weeks you’ve gone through a serious mental process that has helped you define what you stand for and believe in. Now you’re in a phase that urges you to put these ideas into motion. The expansive quality of the day is profound, so take advantage of it and get moving.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
A new cycle is beginning for you in which you may find yourself throwing away old beliefs and mental processes, Virgo. Out with the old and in with the new. This time of housecleaning is extremely important, for you will find that the same tired old speech that you’ve been working on is suddenly defunct. Pull your resources together and construct a new platform that makes you proud.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
You may feel like you’re on a cliff with your legs dangling over the edge, Libra. You’re searching for handholds while your feet struggle to support you on a tiny ledge. You may be swearing that when you get out of this predicament, you will never come this way again. Take heart. This is all part of the cycle. These necessary challenges only make you stronger and more appreciative of the easy stretches.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Someone has suddenly put the fan on high, Scorpio, and papers are blowing everywhere. Neat piles whisked into large swirls of chaos. Everyone is shouting opinions about what should be done about it. Meanwhile, there are people making demands on you that you just can’t handle. Slow down and communicate your situation to others. They will understand and support your predicament. The wind will die down soon.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
Try not to get tangled in other people’s words, Sagittarius. It could be that you’re accidentally misconstruing their statements because you aren’t listening closely. Rather, your mind is focused on your own thoughts, even though you snap to attention when something hits you wrong. Show respect by turning down the volume in your head when someone else has the floor, even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
There’s a terrific expansive feeling to the day, Capricorn, which you will appreciate more than anyone. For other people, this energy might expand into a headache. For you, it’s apt to expand your feeling of success. It also might expand your stomach, so be careful that you don’t overindulge. Other than that, don’t hold back on your activities. Whatever you do will be very productive.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
There might be some unexpected communication coming from a long-lost friend or old roommate today, Aquarius. You never know whom you might run into when you leave the house, so stay alert. An old teacher could be just around the corner. Perhaps a bizarre news story in the paper catches your attention, because there on the page is a photo of the kid who lived next door to your childhood home.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – October 31, 2020
This is one of those days when you just can’t wait for someone to stop talking so you can say something, Pisces. It’s likely you won’t even wait. Don’t be surprised if friction results from such strongly held opposing views. People could blow things out of proportion, since everyone is convinced that they are right. The interesting thing about this situation is that it could result in a productive time.