Scorpio 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

Scorpio 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2020: What are the downsides to getting a little more impulsive than usual during the Sagittarius full moon and lunar eclipse on June 5? Because you’re more likely to act first and think later, you might not consider any potential negative consequences until it’s too late. Sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission, though.

The sun-Neptune square on the eleventh does its best to keep you in a delusional haze, but you’re unwavering in your quest to find the truth. You might run into a lot of dead ends now, but you’re determined to find out someone’s dirty little secrets.

You find yourself on an emotional roller coaster thanks to the Cancer new moon on June 20, but your intuition is also on very high alert. Pay attention to your gut instincts and first impressions when meeting someone new online. You might have good reason for those nagging suspicions after all.

Sex is on your mind when masculine Mars moves into powerful Aries on the twenty-seventh, and you care less about what other people think of you than you usually do. You still want to keep your most intimate moments private.