Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
The planetary alignment means that a confrontation with someone in authority may provide you with far more than you had bargained for. You may not have realized what was simmering away beneath that frosty exterior, and certainly couldn’t have imagined that there could be any feelings of passion for you. But you will not be able to deny what is revealed to you in the heat of the moment.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
Relationships have a wonderful flowing quality today, thanks to the planets’ alignment. This is a very positive time to celebrate your togetherness and to strengthen the bond between you. Of course, in your case this may not be a candlelit dinner for two, but something a bit more daring and adventurous – an outing that involves some kind of challenge. When you are both tired out, then you can relax happily.
The planets’ alignment means you have a good chance to make a success of that special date. Don’t worry – it will go very well. The current cosmic climate is such that even though you may be tongue-tied, and find it almost impossible to think of what to say next, your new friend will still find you drop-dead gorgeous and will certainly want to see you again.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
Although you may have succeeded in keeping a certain relationship truly platonic, you may not manage to continue in this vein after today. The planets’ alignment indicates that although someone may have been playing the game as you would like it, they now wish the rules to include more passion and feeling. If this makes you nervous, then you had better find an escape route pretty quickly.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
The planets’ alignment may indicate that you just cannot continue to pretend you feel nothing, when in fact someone very special brings you out in a cold sweat every time you get within a certain distance of them. Even you, mistress of disguise and understatement, may be forced to give the game away, as you just cannot contain your enthusiasm any longer. Why have you held back so long?
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
Even if you planned to remain single for whatever reason, you may change your mind later on when you attend a certain function, and are bowled over by someone who has real enthusiasm for life. The planets’ alignment means the pair of you could make some happy music together. You may certainly want to retract any promises you made to yourself earlier!
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
You can no longer hide what you are feeling behind a veneer of indifference. Today’s planetary alignment means that your cover will certainly be blown, no matter how skillfully you think you have disguised your tracks. It could be just the smallest of incidents that causes you to spill the beans, and like a dam that is cracking, you may not be able to control your reaction.
The energy of the day brings about a radical change in an important relationship. No matter how much you may have tried to put off this moment of reckoning, you may have to place all your cards on the table. In doing so you may very well end one chapter in your partner (current or prospective)ship; but a new one will dawn that will more certainly reflect your changing needs and desires.
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
There is an extremely powerful force in the air, which means you could use this energy to transform a certain situation for the better. With this you feel encouraged to summon your resources and break through a barrier that has been causing you a lot of consternation recently. You have enough determination, so go ahead, knowing that it can ultimately only improve matters between you and your love interest.
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
You should not underestimate your powers, as they are more in evidence than perhaps you realize. The energy of the day means that you can now cut through any situation that has proved difficult with the ease of a knife through butter. You have the ability to make some significant changes, and perhaps to redress the balance of power in a relationship where it has been very lopsided.
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
The planetary alignment may clarify a dubious situation. You may not have been aware of all that has been festering behind the smiling mask of someone you know well. However, today an event may trigger a reaction that certainly shows you exactly what they are made of, and what their motives are. You may decide to take some radical steps based on this new insight.
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Thursday – Apr 2, 2020
It would be better if you remain in the room today, rather than trying to make a sharp exit the minute you begin to feel uncomfortable with the feelings that are expressed. The planetary alignment today means that you will certainly know on which side your bread is buttered by the time this day is over. But you are much better off seeing the truth.