2023 Spring Seasonal Horoscope, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Welcome to an Astrological New Year, celestial babe! Each year we find ourselves on two separate calendars, the Gregorian calendar that goes from January 1st to December 31st of each year and the Astrological calendar that starts on the first day of Aries season and the Spring Equinox (about March 20 of each year) until the final day of Pisces season (typically March 19 of each year). Meaning, March 20, 2023 marks the spring equinox and the Astrological New Year!
When we start a new astrological calendar, it is also the first day of spring, which is otherwise known as the Vernal Equinox. This is a powerful time for new beginnings and fresh ideas to start flowing in. We typically associate Spring with flowers blooming and the earth becoming green again after a long, cold winter season. So with this imagery, invite yourself to look at all of the ways that you and your life are “blooming” and waking back up again. The Astrological New Year is a time for us to release the disillusionment and over-romanticization that Pisces season can bring and finally step into that fiery, awakened Aries energy that asks us to look at life with fresh eyes and a new perspective. This bold and excited energy is exactly the type of wave that we want to catch while the Astrological New Year arrives. Throughout the next 12 solar seasons—starting with Aries season and ending next year in Pisces season of 2024—we will be faced with powerful transits that encourage our growth and transformation. It’s important to align with the energy of the Astrological New Year in order to start this next chapter off on the right foot, more importantly an initial step that feels authentic for you.
This year, the Astrological New Year is quickly followed by the New Moon in Aries on March 21, which makes the refreshing impact of this transition that much more apparent. Now is the time to let go of the clutter and negativity to create space for something new, so set an intention and commit to goals that guide you in the right direction.
Spring Seasonal Horoscopes
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