Weekly Love Horoscope Overview 6 – 12 April

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Like most people, you’ve been frustrated by romance more than once. Reach out to friends who feel alone right now and share your story. Things will be action-packed in your own love life this week. Some couples will make major headway — you’ll both be feeling things you’ve never felt before. The time is right for an open conversation that defines your relationship, so give serious thought to what you want to say. In the singles scene, the weekend looks perfect for some sassy flirting. It won’t turn into anything heavy, but it will be fun!
Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Some of the best connections are made through friends. Have you told them all that you’re looking? Or, can you help someone else who’s on a love hunt? This week, keep an eye out for romantic opportunities for yourself and others. Someone who isn’t your cup of tea could be the perfect match for a friend. If you’re pursuing someone right now, be sure they’re the person you really want — someone amazing could be a bit further down the road. Over the weekend, a wave of confidence washes over you. Dress to show off your strengths — especially if it’s out of character for you.
Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Some disturbing dreams may get you worried about your romantic future, but don’t fret. You’re misunderstanding some images that mean quite the opposite of what you think they do. True love does exist, as you will learn soon enough. Throughout the week, you’ll meet many new people and sparks will fly between you and a real charmer. But keep in mind, when you meet that perfect person, you might not know it at first. Patience is key. The weekend will keep you busy, and your flirtatiousness will keep you popular!
Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: The battle this week will be between staying focused on the work at hand and drifting off to dreamland to fantasize about the apple of your eye. Your preoccupation is understandable given the strength of your feelings. You have a good hunch about this romance, and it’ll be exciting to watch it evolve. At a weekend dinner party, you’ll meet many charming people — and all of them want to sit next to you. Your quick mind is much more attractive than you realize, so use your wit with care — you wouldn’t want everyone to fall in love with you, would you?
Leo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: It’s time you found out what really makes your sweetie tick. How do they take their coffee? Do they prefer thin crust or thick crust pizza? Getting to know their preferences will give you many opportunities to impress them with your thoughtfulness! This learning process will be fun for both of you — and it will inspire future romantic adventures. And if you’re single, dating will be effortless — anything you end up doing will be fun, with not a moment of awkward silence. You’ll feel even freer at the end of the week, when you and your friends get together to share some juicy details!
Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: No one is perfect at romance, so when you see a friend make (what you think is) a mistake this week, hold your tongue. They’re just a bit blinded by the excitement of their new relationship. Focus on your own romantic status this week. If you’re single, you’ll be enjoying the time alone like never before — who knew going out to eat by yourself was so fun? If you’re part of a couple, the two of you will have a higher level of healthy communication than ever before. So stop tiptoeing around that taboo topic — it’s finally the right time to get it all out in the open.
Libra Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Thoughts of that special someone are in your mind all week long, offering a nice distraction from your usual routine. You’ll be busy, but never too busy for a quick flirty email or lovey dovey voice mail. Little gestures make big impressions. The idea of having the perfect relationship doesn’t seem so far-fetched, especially during the middle of the week when someone offers a gesture of kindness that nearly brings you to tears. You’re making some beautiful connections — spend the weekend sharing yourself with someone who’s new in your life.
Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Keep an open mind this week. There will be many hidden romantic opportunities — you just need to be flexible and spontaneous in order to take advantage of them. If you’re feeling a bit under the weather around Wednesday, don’t panic. Get some exercise, be sure to eat right and you’ll be feeling fine by the weekend — so don’t cancel that date! Let yourself go and share more about yourself than you’re used to… getting closer demands it. Keep a steady hand at the reins of a new relationship. You wouldn’t want to go too far too fast.
Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: Memories of a sweet weekend make it difficult for you to get going early in the week, but you’ll get into your groove soon enough. That certain someone is thinking about you as much as you’re thinking of them. A mid-week date will take the pressure off a first date or act as a nice preview for your big romantic weekend. Think of something simple but active — skip the movie and go bowling instead. The rest of your week will stay lighthearted and fun, and the weekend will offer lots of opportunities. Things can go either way… which do you prefer?
Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: If your current approach isn’t working this week, it’s time to get inventive with your wooing techniques. Have you considered utilizing your considerable creativity? Write a love note. Draw a picture. Put your feelings into a new context and that certain someone be flattered by the effort — and they’ll feel lucky to have you in their life. Toward the end of this week, an inspiring family romance will stir up nostalgic feelings of old-fashioned love. This will carry over into the weekend, when you’ll crave substance over sass.
Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: You may think that extravagant gifts are the best way to woo your latest crush or delight your current sweetie, but slow down a sec — money isn’t the best pathway to love. Wouldn’t they prefer a sweet sentiment or charming compliment? To build up your romantic confidence this week, flirt a little bit more audaciously — you’ll get some wonderful results that will get you feeling back on track. Thinking back on your last relationship, you’ll realize how happy you are about the changes you’ve made since it ended. This weekend, use your intellect — instead of your outfit — to create sparks.
Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF APR 6, 2020: If you’re in a romance, this week will be a chance to reaffirm your independence within the relationship. If you’re looking for love, you’ll enjoy a new sense of satisfaction knowing you’re not settling for something less than you deserve. You must love yourself before you can truly love another, so celebrate yourself this week and you’ll be celebrated by others. Mid-week you’ll be attracted to beauty and romance over logic and efficiency — take the long way home and stop to smell the roses. By the weekend, you’ll have learned how wonderful you are and how much love you have to give.