Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Murphys Law seems to be the rule of the day. When everything is under control in one area, little things demand attention in another today. Although you might wish differently, the simple fact is impermanence is a featured quality of most human endeavors while perpetual harmony only works out beautifully in dreams. Fortunately, your multitasking skills are up to the task now. Loved ones and workmates suspect that you secretly thrive on the hustle and bustle. It is fun to keep them guessing about whether they are right. Your infectious energy is your weapon of choice.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
You may often play the strong and silent type, rarely gushing over your feelings unless its warranted. Instead, you bring mature focus to emotions and a responsible brand of purpose to your helpfulness. Your pragmatic approach puts you in the catbird seat when it comes to showing another person that you care today. Drive the carpool, buy the coffee, or field a tough phone call on their behalf. There are countless practical ways to express what is in your heart. Your authenticity speaks volumes when your actions are on point.
Sticking to a plan means staying in your comfort zone today. You might be perfectly fine with spending some extra time in a secure place to rejuvenate and recharge or to get work done in peace and quiet. But if you are feeling like you are gathering dust, it may be more appealing to break the mold. Fortunately, extreme measures are not required to stir up fresh energy. An unscheduled tiptoe in any direction that is not on your familiar map can nicely do the job. To stay or to go is up to you. Whatever you choose, never forget you are the captain of your own ship.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Fast-paced changes can create a lot of mental fog today. Of course, it makes perfect sense to obtain a better picture of what is going on near the center of the action before choosing if you want to venture into the thick of it. For example, it may be a smart strategy to temporarily position yourself as an observer and simply watch developments unfold while determining how to proceed. Others envy your powers of observation, and your shrewd approach to decision-making. Listen to sharp instincts that advise looking before you leap.
Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
You have so many better things to do than jump through hoops just to make someone happy. However, it is only natural to wish to want to please those you admire. But if contortion is required to fit in, it is a huge red flag that the crowd you are trying to join is not the right one for you. You are a strong, proud individual — your own person through and through. Changing so others will appreciate you is like driving on a tire that has an invisible leak. Sooner or later, it is going to go flat. Your true vibe attracts your genuine tribe.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Work that demands formidable concentration and self-discipline is right up your alley. Some people may flounder and complain when it is time to buckle in and get serious today, but youre whizzing along in your element. Science, mathematics, and economics might be areas where you can excel, although your intellectual prowess shines anywhere systematic thinking is an asset. You can be halfway home before many even leave the starting gate. Claim your brilliant star power and let it illuminate your path.
Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
There are benefits to standing out from the crowd. Your instinctive responses are usually refined and modest but your charismatic aura is almost magically captivating today. Of course, there could be some jangled nerves when gutsy action is taken, but you can make the most of your high profile by seizing a seemingly custom-made opportunity to advance your personal or professional agenda. In traditional wisdom it is best to strike while the iron is hot. Swap out timid for bold to achieve the best results.
Keeping the world at bay could leave you high and dry. People can throw as much inspiration in your direction as they like today, but if a protective shield is snapped into place around your emotions, you may miss the message the cosmos is sending you. Fortunately, your resistance isnt absolute because you can choose to tear down your walls anytime you wish. When you warm from the inside out, the insights that flow are infused with a special creative energy and amazing glimmers of spiritual wonder. Your heart isnt as fragile as you might think.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Rising to a challenge is accomplished through simple persistence today. When you know what is required to ace the task at hand, success becomes a matter of hanging in there until the job is completely done. A tidal wave of positive energy is poised for release and it is up to you to guide your mighty productivity where it will do the most good. Practical demands might be tough but high hopes are tenacious. Miracles can occur with the proper combination of faith and hard work.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Playing catch up might not be your preferred game today but you can do it like a champion if necessary. Before long, you may be looking at the competition in the rearview mirror as you not only match the starting requirements but take the entire endeavor up a notch. It is not shocking to find yourself at the front of the field now, because you instinctively understand that the only one you are ever really competing with is yourself. For the ambitious, every advancement is a win.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
Not everyone is brave enough to follow their heart. But when all things are equal, and maybe even when they are lopsided, it makes sense to choose the option that most appeals to you. If anyone calls you a rebel today, it is bound to be a compliment tinged with admiration. Allow your personal preferences to run the show and when the time is right, they can lead you to terrain that is rich with new possibilities. Rumi wrote, Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – Oct 05, 2019
A surprise can really do a number on your preconceptions today. And as unnerving as an unexpected event might be, its also a kind of awakening when you are open to learning on the fly. This could be a cosmic reminder that the whole of your everyday routine adds up to more than merely the sum of its various parts. Not every experience fits conveniently into a neat compartment and if it did, boredom would quickly descend. Thankfully, you can be in the present without struggling to define it. Poet Omar Khayyam said, Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
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