Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Your unflagging optimism may outpace your physical capabilities today. Be on the lookout for smooth talkers with less-than-viable game plans when it comes to discipline and follow-through. Consider the protocol of the authority figures who you need to keep in your corner. Before you sign on the dotted line, spell everything out in black and white. When you take the risk of giving up some of your independence, you gain the magical rewards of cooperative collaborations. Creative elevation comes from two minds working in harmony.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Mine your intuition for treasures. Think through the consequences before you take the bait today. Unexpected emotional outbursts are liable to rise without preamble. It might feel liberating in the moment to get something off your chest but beware of the backlash. You could experience a breakthrough moment by closing your eyes, checking in with your own higher wisdom, and documenting your channeled insights. Delegate duties to a capable specialist to speed up your process and wipe the slate clean on an area that is growing out of control. The divine is in the details, and the little things produce a big impact.
An organized home is a prerequisite for productivity. You may discover others attempting to mimic your design aesthetics. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so be tolerant and open to sharing your skills. Back up sensitive data and update your passwords to stay protected from technological wire-crossing. Family members may look to you to resolve a clash today. Assume the role of mediator and assist all parties in wrapping up the past. Dedication to your best presentation makes a world of difference. When your environment is clean, clear, and creative so is your thinking.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Create workability to effectively manage information overload. However, it can be tough to meet people on the same page today. Colleagues could be erratic or antagonistic, making it nearly impossible for your sharp intuition to get a read on the ever-shifting power dynamics. Blend old-fashioned communication with sophisticated apps to supervise people more efficiently and reach a wider audience. Strong emotions rise to the surface and you may feel like revealing what’s in your heart. Take a chance in the name of authenticity.
Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
A little wake-up call is exactly what is needed to bring insight and provide resolution. Dare to wear your heart on your sleeve. Unfortunately, you could create chaos if your outspoken comments dont sit well with folks in your social network or professional community. On the other hand, if things are too micromanaged or predictable, your spontaneity and honesty are just what the doctor ordered. Although its important to show rather than tell, let your words be a vehicle for self-expression. The light-bulb epiphany moments you deliver make any challenge conquerable. J.K. Rowling wrote, Anythings possible if youve got enough nerve.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
You could experience a breakthrough on a situation thats stymied you in the past. The clearer and more exact your goals now, the more likely you are to achieve them. With a planetary symphony illuminating your pathways to power, decode the cacophony by getting specific about your plans. Bonding with others on a personal level brings unexpected emotional support. Theres a profitable carrot dangling right in front of you, inspiring you to shift into high gear. Go full throttle and follow up on your hunches. Acknowledge the power of your contributions and dont be afraid to shine your light on full blast.
Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Jumping to conclusions only lands you in trouble. Under todays cosmic traffic jam, accusations may fly without any supporting evidence. Avoid engaging with disruptive people and keep a low profile. Maintain your emotional balance, control your thoughts, and try not to obsess over fluctuating dynamics. Diplomatically inform others of your intentions and use discernment with exciting new prospects. Let go of the fantasy that relationships are always smooth and remember that complaints dont necessarily reflect negatively on you. When you shower compassion on yourself and others, you can forgive and move on.
Amble along the path less traveled rather than following all the rules today. Engage the hive mind for innovative ideas to solve a vexing problem. If something revolutionary occurs to you, run it up the flagpole and see who agrees. Use the unpredictable cosmic energy to consider options, solicit feedback, and weigh the pros and cons. Pull the plug on projects that are on life support. Emotions sway logic, so listen to your intuition but make sure the practical stuff checks out. Walk on the wild side to craft a more fulfilling masterpiece.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Push the envelope with your daring ideas and spearheading spirit. Unfortunately, messages are muddled when everyone wants to be right, making something sound too good to be true. Circular discussions are unproductive; be caution about making swift assumptions because you are more susceptible to a slick sales pitch now. Request supporting documentation to make informed decisions. If anyone tries to get a rise out of you today, maintain your own center and repeat your position. Governing with quiet authority commands respect.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Trust yourself first before soliciting feedback today. You want to be egalitarian but allowing too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the broth. Curate a small think-tank group rather than polling everyone, as strangers may not be aligned with your higher vision. Your emotions could send you down a rabbit hole of anger or frustration now, and disruptive family members might cause you to doubt your judgment. Spell everything out in the simplest ways rather than clouding the space with complex details. The manner in which you exemplify your leadership influences everyone in your sphere. Keep calm and carry on.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Your avant-garde approach to developing business relationships brings unexpected rewards. You crave goals with soul and altruistic methods of circulating funds, but anxious planetary energy percolates now. Be the adult in the room; stay focused amidst the whining and petulance. Pause and consider all contingencies lest you make a final decision while in a frenetic headspace. You can no longer sweep inconvenient truths under the rug. Listen empathically to peoples concerns and be honest about how much youre able to bend. Being generous in your appreciation multiplies your prosperity.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – Aug 31, 2019
Summon the strength to assert your boundaries. A push-pull dynamic influences your partnerships; you are either ready to seal the deal or return to the negotiating table today. It could be worth it to listen to another viewpoint, but its smart business to ask for receipts before committing to anything permanent. You may feel resistance from your team or wonder if a certain affiliation is holding you back now. Address the issues without breaking ties with those who support your goals. A proper plan and the right cornerstone set you up for success.
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